Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Post 11 week 12

Kaia's photo essay

I absolutely loved watching Kaia'a photo essay. She is understanding that one should appreciate things even if they are not what society deems as beautiful. I think it is a great thing that her father is teaching her how to use technology at such a young age, and trusting that it is for the best rather than to harm her. I also loved what Mr. C's class did for Kaia. It was very thoughtful of them, and I hope that it encourages her to continue with her technological journeys! I think that her dad rocks, and is a good father. I am now following them on twitter!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Haley, I also loved this post. I actually had to comment on her blog earlier in the semester, so this became an easy assignment for me this week! Keep up the good work.
