Thursday, April 22, 2010

Post 14 Week 15

PLE Blog

Her PLE is way cooler than mine. I think it is a great way to learn and keep up with all your stuff. If the entire education system were converted to this way of learning I may be more apt to be completely technological.

What is my sentence? I passed edm 310 hopefully. I think it is a cool way to think about your life, but honestly, if you can narrow your existance down to one sentence, maybe you need a hobby. I mean unless your sentence is something epic, like "I cured world hunger." How about we come up with a paragraph. Set our goals a little higher. And the whole Am I better than yesterday question, how about lets not live in the past. Maybe you won the lotery yesterday, and today you pissed it away on stupid things. I mean I don't want to go to bed upset because my today self sucks worse than my yesterday self. How about, I will rock harder tomorrow. Yeah I like that. In fact that is my sentence. I will rock harder tomorrow.

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